The Project aims to establish sustainable procedures to facilitate the endeavours of the Members of the National Transitional Legislative Assembly (NTLA), the new House of Representatives, and the government to return Liberia to democracy. This requires an understanding of democratic principles and the rule of law as well as respect for and implementation of human rights. Therefore, new House Members must be familiarised with roles and functions in modern parliamentary work, including the key role of controlling the executive power. Furthermore, the Project provides an exchange platform for Liberian parliamentarians to share their knowledge and experiences with fellow African parliamentarians as well as Europeans (Brussels and other European capitals).
In addition, the Project includes training courses to familiarise Members with the concept of gender equality and make them aware of the need to strengthen the role of women in society.
Target groups and key activities
- Target groups include the members of the NTLA and of the new House of Representatives as well as the Senate, the supporting technical and scientific staff at the Secretariat and the commissions of the new House of Representatives and the Senate, the leading representatives and staff of the parliamentary party groups, and the assistants of the members of the House of Representatives, working at the House or in the constituencies of the House members.
- Key Project activities include organising exchange study tours, namely intra-African (Accra-Ghanaian Parliament) and African-European (Brussels, European Parliament, ACP Office; EU institutions, German Federal in Berlin and other European Diets at their respective places) as well as workshops, seminars, evaluations, and publications on Project themes in Monrovia and in the rural areas.
Project Team
The office is located at UN Drive next to the EC Delegation.
[ » Infos on the Project Office and Team ]
Documentation of project activities incl. documents
(TORs, Mission Reports, other documents) |
indicates, a document can be viewed and/or downloaded | pdf-format | PowerPoint presentation
Activities October / November 2006 (selection)  |
Activities July / August 2006 (selection) |
Activities June 2006 (selection) |
Activities May 2006 (selection) |
Activities April 2006 (selection) |
Activities March 2006 (selection)
Activities February 2006 (selection) |
12 February |
International evaluation expert arrives
17-18 February |
Evaluation expert in the field (Gbarnga)
22 February |
9th Meeting of Project Steering Committee
20-22 February |
Evaluation expert in the field (Buchanan)
24 February |
Evaluation Expert: Meeting with project partners & the European Commission Office in Liberia
25 February |
Presentation of the interim report of the participatory evaluation exercise Excerpts: [ » Achievement: High reputation | » Achievement: Knowledge on how parliament works | » Achievement: Improved reputation of the EU/EC ]
26 February |
Departure of the international evaluation expert
Activities January 2006 (selection) |
25 January |
8th Steering Committee Meeting
Activities December 2005 (selection) |
7 December |
Follow-on Legislative Workshops
[ » full programme ( ) ]
[ » qualitative evaluation ( ) | » quantitative evaluation ( )]
9 December |
Follow-on Legislative Workshops
12 December |
Follow-on Legislative Workshops
14 December |
Follow-on Legislative Workshops
16 December |
End of the Year 7th Steering Committee Meeting
Activities November 2005 (selection) (2nd round of elections) |
Activities October 2005 (1st round of elections) |
troughout October |
Routine work; preparation of ToRs for KAS facilitators
throughout October |
Meeting with NDI, UNMIL and facilitators
throughout October |
Meetings with politicians, elections observers and foreign press correspondents
31 October - 5 November |
2nd Phase of Workshop for Admin Staff of NTLA
Activities September 2005 (selection) |
5 September |
Meeting with US parliamentarians (NDI, Carter Center)
6 September |
Meeting with NDI, UNMIL and Facilitators
8-9 September |
Gender Workshop in Buchannan
In collaboration with COPPWIL (Coalition of Political Parties Women in Liberia)
17 September |
Meeting with UNMIL, NDI
21 September |
4th Meeting of Steering Committee
29-30 September |
Workshop with the staff of the Chief Clerk's Office:
The administration in the Parliament
Activities August 2005 (selection) |
Activities July 2005 (selection) |
during July |
Preparation of gender consultancy
[ » Impressions ]
20 July |
2nd Meeting of Steering Committee
25 July |
Handing over of technical equipment to NTLA & Civil Society
[ » Press clippings ]
28 July |
2nd Project Accounting W/Shop for NGOs In collaboration with PBRC (Peace Building Resource Centre)
29-30 July |
Workshop for parliamentarians of the NTLA
[ » Themes and Resource persons ( ) | » Press clippings ]